Tired of crash diets and fad diets?
"If you burn 500 more calories than you eat every day for a week, you should lose about 1-2 pounds.""If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat less and exercise more."
Taken from http://www.webmd.com/diet/lose-weight-fast-how-to-do-it-safely?page=1
"Working on weight loss? Then you probably want results -- fast.
Let me save you some time: skip the fad diets. Their results don't last. And you have healthier options you can start on -- today!" "You can safely lose 3 or more pounds a week at home with a healthy diet and lots of exercise, says weight loss counselor Katherine Tallmadge, RD. "
"Fad diets also set you up for failure by depriving you of what you want. You can't eat like that for long, and it's too likely that you'll rebel and end up back where you started. You deserve better than that!" (Great Article.)
3 Key Factors For Effective Fat Loss! http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/free-in-depth-fat-loss-guide.htm
"Supplements should not be a big deal, as most fat loss can be done through simply eating the right food at the right time; and unless everything that you are doing is already done to ensure the maximum results in the timeframe that you want to achieve it in, and then supplementation should not be the focus. However, there are a few supplements that I think are important to any regime. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/free-in-depth-fat-loss-guide.htm
- Multivitamin: Although you should be eating as much of a variety of food as possible, in order to meet the RDI/AI of most nutrients from actual food.
- Creatine Monohydrate: Creatine helps the body to recover faster, as well as indirectly aiding in increasing strength levels and lean body mass (Burke, et al., 2006; McArdle, Katch & Katch, 2007).
- Flaxseed/Fish Oil: This is the good fats. Flaxseed or Hempseed oil is great with breakfast or in protein shakes.
- Protein Powder: This just helps for the in-between meals, or after the gym, and to make sure that you get enough protein in.
My Multivitamin of choice: BioEssentials
Our body requires a multitude of micronutrients to function properly. These are especially important when fighting or protecting against a multitude of ailments. It is also a vital component in leading an active lifestyle. Supplying these nutrients by eating a well-balanced diet, with a wide variety of foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, is important. However, most Americans do not meet the suggested micronutrient intake required, and many are in need of filling the nutritional gap with a good multi-nutritional supplement. Well, look no more! BioEssentials is a complete and balanced daily nutritional supplement, designed to support the body and enhance overall health and wellness.
The Weight Loss Belt
Weight loss belt turns your body into a fat-burning machine so you burn calories faster. Simply wrap it around your waist while walking, jogging, cycling, weightlifting and more. There are many styles to choose from. If you aren't using one in your workout routine, I highly recommend. They do work! I have used them for many years.
My Noevir Website
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